Chronic Condition Rescue | Shivan Sarna

Methane vs. Hydrogen Dominant SIBO: The Difference for Testing, Treating & Prevention Workshop with Dr Ken Brown

Methane vs. Hydrogen Dominant SIBO: The Difference for Testing, Treating & Prevention Masterclass with Dr Ken Brown 

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Methane vs. Hydrogen Dominant SIBO: The Difference for Testing, Treating & Prevention Workshop with Dr Ken Brown

Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth can either be methane or hydrogen dominant. What's the difference? It has to do with what kind of bacteria have overgrown in your gut! Even more importantly: hydrogen and methane SIBO require different treatment strategies. Learn from gastroenterologist Ken Brown, MD how to tell what kind of SIBO you have and how to move forward with effective treatments at this workshop.

Total due $59

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