Chronic Condition Rescue | Shivan Sarna

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) / Long Haul CoVID: Causes, SIBO/IMO & GI Links, Prevention & Treatment with Dr. Leonard Weinstock

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Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) /Long Haul CoVID: Causes, SIBO/IMO& GI Links, Prevention & Treatment
with Dr. Leonard Weinstock, MD, FACG
hosted by Shivan Sarna & Dr. Allison Siebecker

  • Defining Long Haul CoVID (LC)
  • How the CoVID can cascade lead to MCAS, IBS, SIBO, POTS
  • A deep dive into inflammatory and histamine pathways
  • Prevention, treatment & resources
  • Essential information even if you've never had the virus

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Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) / Long Haul CoVID: Causes, SIBO/IMO & GI Links, Prevention & Treatment with Dr. Leonard Weinstock

Total due $59

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