Fix Your Microbiome & Probiotics for Managing SIBO Masterclass Bundle

Gut health has taken center stage in recent years as more research reveals the significant influence our gut microbiome has on almost every aspect of our well-being. 

If you’re dealing with persistent bloating and gas, you know how uncomfortable—and sometimes embarrassing—these symptoms can be! Probiotics - when taken in appropriate amounts help improve digestion, reduce inflammation, and support the gut barrier, which, in turn, can lead to relief from gas and bloating. The key is choosing the right strains—different probiotics have distinct roles, and not all are beneficial for everyone, especially those with complex conditions like SIBO.

A message from Dr. Hawrelak...

  • Instant Access to the masterclass + Q&A recording (get answers to your questions).
  • Define what a healthy colonic microbiome looks like and how to get it
  • Cover some recent studies demonstrating the importance of the microbiome in some novel diseases
  • Discuss the key pharmaceutical medicines and food chemicals that damage the microbiota that we need to avoid
  • Highlight specific foods and strategies that can nurture the beneficial members of your microbiome and enhance your ecosystem diversity

How to Fix Your Microbiome

Probiotics in the Management of IBS, SIBO / IMO / ISO

  • nstant Access to the masterclass + Q&A recording (get answers to your questions).
  • The best probiotics to use in the treatment of IBS
  • Whether probiotics should really be avoided when treating SIBO
  • The most appropriate probiotics to use to target Intestinal Methanogen Overgrowth and overgrowths of hydrogen-sulfide producing bacteria

Masterclass Bundle
Fix Your Microbiome & Probiotics for Managing SIBO / IMO / ISO

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Join me and Dr. Allison Siebecker as we host Dr. Jason Hawrelak for 2 NEW masterclasses on the gut microbiome, probiotics and SIBO.

Gut health has taken center stage in recent years as more research reveals the significant influence our microbiome has on almost every aspect of our well-being. 

But what does it actually mean to have a healthy gut microbiome?

With complex ecosystems composed of trillions of microorganisms, identifying a “healthy” microbiome might feel like a puzzle.  Key markers that characterize a balanced, resilient, and beneficial gut environment have been identified.

Dr. Jason Hawrelak, a microbiome researcher and expert, joins Dr. Allison Siebecker and Shivan Sarna to dive deep into 2 masterclasses!

We will dive into what a healthy microbiome looks like and how you can achieve it. Finally, we’ll spotlight foods and lifestyle strategies to support beneficial bacteria growth. You’ll learn how small, actionable changes to your diet can nurture your gut's good bacteria, improving your resilience and overall health.

For sensitive conditions like SIBO and IMO, starting with a low dose and gradually increasing it can prevent potential “die-off” reactions, where rapid microbial changes cause bloating or discomfort.

Timing is equally important; for example, introducing probiotics after an initial treatment phase may be ideal for those with SIBO, while others may benefit from starting probiotics sooner.

"Wow, I finally have clarity. Why didn't my doctor know this stuff? Thanks, Shivan for asking Dr. Hawrelak for the presentation. Not only did it answer questions I had... it gave me hope. I am already feeling better!" - Amy

"I am ready to confidently have a conversation with my doctor and share what I have learned in this class. I am already taking some of these supplements so I will try more and report back!" - Rebecca