Despite your best efforts to live a healthy life...
Are you still...?
- Exhausted all the time, with fatigue you can’t shake?
- Unhappy with your weight?
- Dealing with multiple food and chemical sensitivities
- Feeling depressed or anxious?
- Having digestive issues? (Especially with fatty foods)
- Are you constipated, gassy, or bloating?
- Embarrassed by skin issues like acne or rashes?
- Do you have high cholesterol?
- Struggling with hormone imbalances?
Are you ready to uplevel your health?
These are signs of a stressed liver and/or gallbladder.
The liver is the heart and soul of your body’s detox system, working 24 hours a day to filter out toxins and rid the body of waste. It does this essential job with the help of the gallbladder, a tiny but mighty organ that is hugely undervalued, with many people mistakenly believing it’s a “throwaway.”
Together, the liver and gallbladder are two of the most important but overlooked and under-appreciated systems in the body. When your liver and gallbladder are optimized, your energy levels, weight, hormones, digestion, skin and more all benefit.
Your Liver & Gallbladder Could Be Crying Out for Help!
The warning signs of liver and gallbladder issues aren’t always obvious. Instead, they’re more often a below-the-surface simmer of general, seemingly-unrelated health complaints… bloating, fatigue, anxiety, hormone issues, and more. They’re the annoying symptoms that hold you back from living your most vibrant life.
But here's the good news...
There are answers.
Use your body's warning system (symptoms) as a wake up call to overhaul your health.
Reclaim your vitality, and feel transformed from the inside out in as little as 7 days.
Introducing the brand new
With Shivan Sarna as your trusted guide, learn from a team of 18 expert doctors, naturopaths, and detox experts covering all aspects of understanding, healing, and optimizing the liver and gallbladder.
The program consists of two parts, both designed to work with your busy schedule and be accessible and actionable anytime, anywhere.
With 8 modules, 33 delicious recipes + a step-by-step Roadmap & Workbook, bonus content on Testing and Labs, a complete guide to Supportive Therapies and more -
THIS course is your catalyst to transform your liver and gallbladder health!
Enroll Now
Rescue, Restore, Optimize
the Health of Your Liver & Gallbladder!
The course consists of two parts, both designed to work with your busy schedule and be accessible and actionable anytime, anywhere
Part 1: Eight Modules
Covering All Aspects of Liver & Gallbladder Health
Watch on your schedule with downloadable audio, searchable transcripts and slides.
Liver & Gallbladder Overview
- The basic anatomy of both the liver and gallbladder
- Detailed overview of the many functions of the liver and gallbladder
- Fun lesser known facts about these amazing organs…not to give it all away but Typhoid Mary plays a role in the history of the gallbladder!
Phases of Detox
- Overview of the phases of detoxification
- Review of newly coined Phase 2.5
- Challenges that can occur when Phases 1 and Phase 2 are out of balance
- Toxin exposure as it relates to Phase 1 detoxification
- Hormone and bile synthesis
Liver & Gallbladder Dysfunction
- Key physical symptoms related to liver dysfunction
- How to recognize gallbladder dysfunction including what your stool could be telling you
- Why the mind-body complex can’t be separated
- Exploring and supporting emotions associated with liver and gallbladder dysfunction
- The biggest offenders and what you can do to reverse Fatty liver disease and NAFLD.
Roadblocks to Liver & Gallbladder Health
- Review of the toxin pathways and organs where toxins enter into our bodies and organs that support detoxification
- Side effects and signs of toxicity
- Review of three key roadblocks parasites, candida, and mold
- Questions to determine if you may have undiagnosed parasites
- The role of estrogen dominance and histamines
- The two main roles of bile and the main components of bile
- How bile processes fats and how it transports toxins
- Biles role in keeping our gut healthy
- Anatomy of the biliary duct system
- Signs of bile stagnation and how to increase the flow
- No Gallbladder? What you need to know
- Steps to detox if you have had your gallbladder removed
- Signs you need bile supplements after gallbladder removal
- Signs and symptoms of gallstones
- Tests available to diagnose gallstones
- How to treat gallstones and top three foods to avoid
Tests & Labs
- Key liver tests and why you should start with gut testing
- How to read key tests and what to look for
- Two tests to measure gallbladder function
- Step by step review of the HIDA scan imaging procedure
- Why bloodwork may give you a false sense of security
- Key genes associated with liver health
- Three genetic-based “weight gainers” that are relevant to the liver
Liver-Lymph-Gut Connection
- Overview of the lymphatic system
- The importance of drainage versus detoxification
- How to mitigate Herxheimer reaction when detoxing
- How the gut microbiome and liver are intimately connected
- Leaky gut’s effect on liver health
Part 2: A 7-Day Liver & Gallbladder Rescue Action Plan
A step-by-step system to optimize and support your liver and gallbladder

Instructional Step-by-Step Downloadable & Printable Workbook

Supportive Foods & Herbs Educational Videos

33 Downloadable Liver & Gallbladder Supportive Recipes (snacks, beverages, meals and more!)
Instructional Cooking Demonstrations
Meet Candace who has a way with simple and delicious snacks and meals to support you on your 7-Day Action Plan!

Key Supplements Guide

Supportive Therapy Instructional Videos

Guided Audio Meditations

...and more!
Help! What if my gallbladder has already been removed?!
If your gallbladder has already been removed, The Liver & Gallbladder Rescue Roadmap Course is actually even MORE important for you. That’s because your liver is working overtime to compensate for the loss of your gallbladder… which means it needs extra love and support. Once you’ve joined the course, be sure to check out “No Gallbladder? What You Need to Know” in Module 6!
Longtime health investigator, TV host, and patient advocate, Shivan Sarna, is the founder of the health platform Chronic Condition Rescue. She is most known for her work SIBO SOS®, the Digestion SOS™ Docuseries, the IBS & SIBO Rescue Summit, the SIBO Recovery Roadmap Course, the Microbiome & Gut Rescue Summit, the Dental Health Connection Summit, the Lymphatic Rescue Summit, the Liver & Gallbladder Rescue Summit - and now she's rounded up the leading experts in health and wellness to create a powerful, concise Liver & Gallbladder Rescue Course!
The world doesn’t need another diet!
This is NOT a fad diet or a juice cleanse.
The Liver & Gallbladder Rescue Roadmap Course is about so much more than dropping or gaining weight. You’ll learn:
✔️ Gain a deep understanding of WHY the liver & gallbladder matter
✔️ Learn warning signs and symptoms that point to liver & gallbladder dysfunction
✔️ Uncover sources of toxins and inflammation in your life that could be harming your liver and gallbladder
✔️ Discover how simple, sustainable changes can support better liver and gallbladder health
✔️ Learn what to do if you’re already facing severe dysfunction, like gallstones or fatty liver
✔️ Get introduced to delicious, craveable recipes that provide the nutrients your liver and gallbladder need to thrive
✔️ Explore supportive therapies that can transform how your body feels and functions
✔️ And more!
You are about to give your Liver & Gallbladder some real LOVE!
The Liver & Gallbladder Rescue Course
- Printable Rescue Roadmap & Workbook
- 30 Video Lessons (searchable transcripts and slides included)
- Liver Supportive Therapy Instructional Videos Castor Oil Pack, Enema Guide, Detox Guide, and more.
- 7-Day Liver & Gallbladder Rescue Action Plan walking you through the key steps to support and optimize your liver and gallbladder
- 33 Liver & Gallbladder Loving Recipes from our team of Leading Health Experts
- Cooking Demonstrations from Food as Medicine Expert showing Kale and White Bean Stew, Rosemary and Sea Salt Almond Flour Crackers, Zippy Carrot Dip, and more
Enroll Now
Frequently Asked Questions
It starts now, you’re ready! You can access all the information immediately upon joining, and come back to it whenever you’re ready to feel better ASAP.
You have ongoing access without expiration to all the course materials.
Yes! All 33 recipes are completely vegetarian and gluten-free. And 100% delicious.
If your gallbladder has already been removed, the Liver & Gallbladder Rescue Roadmap Course is actually even MORE important for you. That’s because your liver is working overtime to compensate for the loss of your gallbladder… which means it needs extra love and support. Once you’ve joined the course, be sure to check out the module title “No Gallbladder? What You Need to Know”!
The Liver & Gallbladder Rescue Roadmap Course
- 30 Video Lessons (transcripts and slides included) highlighting Leading Health Experts including Dr. Christine Schaffner, Kiran Krishnan, Dr. Maya Shetreat, Dr. Roger Murphy, Sinclair Kennally, Dr. Mona Morstein, Jaime Boyachek, Dr. Sam Shay, Dr. Sharon Stills, Kelly Kennedy, and more
- Liver Supportive Therapy Instructional Videos with Dr. Tara Boyd, Dr. Kim Trager, and Sabrina Zielinski
- 7-Day Liver & Gallbladder Rescue Action Plan walking you through the key steps to support and optimize your liver and gallbladder health.
Guided Meditations & Breathwork Sessions with Dr. Sharon Stills and Dr. Kim Trager - Printable Rescue Roadmap Workbook and Guide
- 33 Liver & Gallbladder Loving Recipes from our team of Leading Health Experts
- Cooking Demonstrations from Food as Medicine Expert, Candace Lawrence
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