Chronic Condition Rescue | Shivan Sarna

Outlet Dysfunction Constipation: The Commonly Overlooked Reason You Can’t Go & How to Fix It with Naturopathic Physician & Acupuncturist Dr. Sabrina Kimball

MASTERCLASS #1: Outlet Dysfunction Constipation: The Commonly Overlooked Reason You Can’t Go & How to Fix It
with Naturopathic Physician & Acupuncturist Dr. Sabrina Kimball

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Order summary

Outlet Dysfunction Constipation: The Commonly Overlooked Reason You Can’t Go & How to Fix It with Naturopathic Physician & Acupuncturist Dr. Sabrina Kimball

Here's what you'll discover...

  • Why you're constipated – common contributors and the most overlooked cause
  • The difference between constipation and outlet dysfunction constipation (and why you need to know which type you have)
  • The crucial role your pelvic floor muscles play in your bowel movements
  • What to expect from an exam to determine the cause of your constipation 
  • Treatments for outlet dysfunction constipation – putting it all together to feel better
  • ...and so much more!
Total due $59

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