Chronic Condition Rescue | Shivan Sarna

Understanding Stool Testing and How it Can Open Up a Window to Finding the Underlying Cause with Naturopathic physician, Dr. Ilana Gurevich


Understanding Stool Testing and How it Can Open Up a Window to Finding the Underlying Cause Masterclass
with Naturopathic physician, Dr. Ilana Gurevich

Here's what you'll discover...

  • The stool analysis markers that clinicians use to work up a functional GI case
  • What these markers are testing for and what to look for in your own results
  • Which markers are linked to various health issues, like colon cancer, estrogen imbalances, IBD, food allergies, SIBO, overgrowth of bacteria, yeast, and Candida, and more
  • Which markers have proven to be the most valid – and how much they should influence your decisions around treatments

You Will Get...
✅ Instant Unlimited Access - Added to your Library.
✅ Video Lesson - Masterclass recording, including the Q&A session.
Transcript - Professional, Searchable, save, print and search
✅ Audio - listen on the go, anytime, anywhere

Community - Facebook Community provides support every step of the way

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Understanding Stool Testing and How it Can Open Up a Window to Finding the Underlying Cause with Naturopathic physician, Dr. Ilana Gurevich

Total due $59

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